COLDCARD wallet | COLDCARD – Hardware Wallet

The COLDCARD wallet is a specialized hardware wallet designed for secure storage and management of cryptocurrencies. Developed by CoinKite, the COLDCARD is renowned for its emphasis on security, parti

The COLDCARD wallet is a specialized hardware wallet designed for secure storage and management of cryptocurrencies. Developed by CoinKite, the COLDCARD is renowned for its emphasis on security, particularly for advanced users who prioritize self-custody and air-gapped transactions. Below is a comprehensive overview of the COLDCARD wallet.

Design and Build:

The COLDCARD wallet features a distinctive design, resembling a small calculator. Its appearance is minimalistic yet purposeful, with a monochrome screen and a compact keypad. The device is built with robust materials, ensuring durability and physical resilience.

Security Features:

Security is the hallmark of the COLDCARD wallet. It utilizes a secure element chip, specifically the Microchip SAMD21, to store private keys in an isolated environment. This ensures that sensitive cryptographic operations are performed securely, safeguarding against potential threats like malware and remote attacks. Additionally, the COLDCARD supports air-gapped transactions, enabling users to conduct transactions offline for an added layer of security.

User Interface:

The COLDCARD features a straightforward user interface, optimized for functionality and ease of use. The monochrome screen displays transaction details and prompts, while the keypad allows users to navigate through menus and confirm transactions. The interface is intuitive and efficient, catering to both beginners and experienced users.

Cryptocurrency Support:

The COLDCARD supports a variety of cryptocurrencies, including major ones like Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), and various altcoins. Its compatibility with multiple assets makes it suitable for users with diverse cryptocurrency portfolios. The device also supports multi-signature wallets, enabling advanced security configurations for collaborative custody.

Integration with Open Source Software:

The COLDCARD wallet integrates seamlessly with open-source software like Electrum and Wasabi Wallet. This interoperability allows users to manage their wallets, initiate transactions, and sign transactions offline using the COLDCARD device. The open-source nature of the software ensures transparency and community-driven development.

Backup and Recovery:

During the setup process, users are prompted to generate a recovery seed—a 24-word mnemonic phrase. This seed serves as a backup, enabling users to restore access to their funds in case the device is lost, damaged, or requires replacement. The COLDCARD emphasizes the importance of securely storing this recovery seed in an offline and safe location.

Firmware Updates:

CoinKite regularly releases firmware updates for the COLDCARD wallet to enhance security features and introduce new functionalities. Users are encouraged to keep their devices updated to benefit from the latest security measures. Firmware updates can be easily installed through the COLDCARD Manager software.

Pricing and Availability:

The COLDCARD wallet is competitively priced, offering a premium hardware wallet solution tailored for advanced users. Users can purchase the device directly from the official CoinKite website or through authorized retailers, ensuring authenticity and reliability.


The COLDCARD wallet is a robust and secure hardware wallet designed for users who prioritize self-custody and air-gapped transactions. Its advanced security features, compatibility with multiple cryptocurrencies, and integration with open-source software make it a preferred choice for those seeking maximum control over their digital assets. Whether you are a privacy advocate or a seasoned cryptocurrency user, the COLDCARD wallet offers a secure and reliable solution for safeguarding your wealth.

Last updated